Colors That Can Bring a Sense of Calm to Your Space — Mike Johnson Homes

Colors That Can Bring a Sense of Calm to Your Space


Creating a space that makes you feel relaxed after a long day is crucial. While things like clutter, lack of space, and general disorganization can add to a home feeling unrelaxed, sometimes it’s the color choices (or lack thereof) that can be the real issue.

A complete paint job isn’t necessarily needed, but these are some colors that you may want to consider adding to your home that can bring a sense of calm to your space.


One of the most calming colors out there. It has proven to be a soothing color choice that can transform a room.

Light purple

Lavender, in many regards, is considered soothing. When it comes to picking essential oils, this is the one that relaxes and destresses you, and the same can be said for adding this color to your living space. Breathe a little easier with light purple accents in the room.


A popular color choice for kitchens, yellow can be the pick me-up color you need to see before that morning cup of coffee. Whether you choose to incorporate this color with appliances and accents or with paint, yellow is a color that can boost any bad mood.

Light green

Shades can make a big difference when it comes to choosing colors. A darker shade of green might not have the serene effect that a lighter shade has, but a soft green could greatly help bring a sense of calmness to your space.


While a neutral palette isn’t the most exciting, it can be the most calming. It’s simple when it comes to lighter colors—they lighten up any given space and can therefore lighten your mood. Adding these colors to your walls, or to things like throw pillows, lamps, appliances, or other accents might just be what your hectic home needed.