What Approving 3D Will Provide!


Ballots are being mailed this week. Lets revisit what 3D is and what it will provide the children of our community. School District 27J will seek a $12 million dollar mill levy override. The override will provide additional technology, upgraded educational materials, and additional staff with more competitive wages. Our children deserve great schools and the mill levy override is the next step to ensure School District 27J has the tools and talent to meet our communities' growing needs.

The election is only three weeks away and every vote counts. Please forward this e-mail to your friends and family. More people in the community need to understand this proposal and how it will help positively affect our children's future!

Bonds vs. Mills

Because of your commitment in 2015, we passed a bond measure for school construction projects  The bond has allowed the district to expand to meet the needs of our fast growing community. Four new schools have been constructed, and aging structures have been renovated and expanded across the school district. Bonds provide budgets for new schools, major renovations and repairs. Bond funds, by law, are restricted and CAN NOT be used for day-to-day operating expenditures. 

However, without new tools and talent, all we will have are new buildings. Funds generated from 3D will be utilized for operating expenses such as technology, classroom instructional materials, and employee salaries. 

Breakdown of Mill Levy Tax Dollars at Work:

  • $2 million dollars will be allocated to upgrade technology systems. Students will have access to resources which will support 21st century needs
  • $1.6 million dollars will be used to upgrade current educational materials. On average, text books in the school district are 13 years old.
  • $5 million dollars will be designated for staff compensation.  Several front range school districts starting salaries are $10,00 dollars higher than 27J's.  27J currently ranks dead last out of 15 metro districts for starting salaries. Additional funds will allow the school district to attract and retain a highly qualified staff.
  • $1 million dollars for new staff. 27J will hire counselors for all elementary schools in the district. These professionals will help students with changing social and academic challenges.
  • $2.4 million dollars will be distributed to the area's charter school partners.  The proportion of the mills funds will give charter schools the ability to strengthen their staffs and upgrade resources.

If you would like additional information visit iam27j.org.

This content was from an email communication sent 10/16/17 by the Iam27J Steering Committee and is for public information only.